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It is incredible how many people make resolutions about getting themselves into shape when a new year begins. Very few of us, think about the ‘financial hangover’ that we are dragging into a new year and how much getting personal finances back in shape could benefit our lives. 

Standard Bank Namibia has become the first corporate entity to join the Namibia National Internship Program (NNIP) after Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) nationalized the initiative with a N$200,000 contribution.

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The Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia has commenced with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) programming consultation following its re-accreditation to the body for another five years last year.

In 2022, a total of 10,923 vehicle units were sold in Namibia, a 15.9% increase compared to the 9,427 units sold in 2021 and exceeding the 10,415 units sold in 2019.

The Property Practitioners’ Bill is a new piece of legislation which will replace the Estate Agents Act 112 of 1976. Its primary purpose is to establish the Property Practitioners’ Regulatory Authority, which will replace the Namibia Estate Agents Board, to regulate the affairs of all property practitioners, and allow for transformation in the property sector and to provide consumer protection. 

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The start of a new year is the best time to start afresh with the goals that proved challenging in the previous year.

I agree with the CEO of MHC Gina Armada who says: “Automation, in its many forms, is undeniably the foundation to enable successful communication in 2022 and beyond. At MHC, we believe the organizations that leverage flexible, scalable and reliable automation functionality to engage in tailored, one-to-one customer communications will quickly leapfrog their competition.” 

The Mobile Telecommunication (MTC) Limited has recently disbursed equipment worth N$1.4 million from proceeds generated from the maiden MTC We Run Together project, to boost the businesses of 82 beneficiaries.

Namibian rangelands present a variety of forage resources to livestock and wild animals for survival.

Namibia is ready to start piloting the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) and has started talks with other African countries to begin flights into the country.

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