
LatestNews (150)

Newly appointed Acting Public Enterprises minister, Ipumbi Shiimi has also come out in support of TransNamib, dismissing the possibility of the railway company being liquidated.

The Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) says the preservation of retirement benefits will ensure that a portion of employees' retirement savings is preserved throughout their working lives.

Standard Bank Namibia says it is ready to fund more projects in the country for economic development.

Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL)’s after-tax profit surged by 70.9% to N$292 million for the six months ended 31 December 2021 due to increased beer sales in South Africa.

Namibia’s economy rebounded from a negative growth of 7.9% recorded in 2020 to register a growth of 2.4% in 2021, the country’s Statistics Agency announced on Thursday.

The government has been urged to scrap levies and taxes on fuel products to provide relief to motorists.

Namibians should be prepared to dig deeper this year to buy cars due to disruptions in the global supply chain caused by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, economic advisory firm Simonis Storm (SS) has warned.

According to the Africa Year-ahead Outlook from Rand Merchant Bank’s (RMB) Markets Research team, optimism on growth in Namibia over the medium term are based on the efforts of both the private and public sectors to increase renewable energy across the country.

The Hospitality Association of Namibia (HAN) says it cannot implement a single pricing system due to the diverse nature of the industry.

The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has in recent years increased the shift and reliance in the use of information technology for its staff and members. As we aim to reduce the further spread of the COVID-19, we encourage our members to make use of our online platforms such as the GIPF member portal, our regional call centre lines and regional emails addresses, to access our services.

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