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The Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) registered a record trade for the first time in four years on Monday when shares worth N$971.84 million exchanged hands on the bourse in a single day.

Northern businessman Johannes Andjamba has dragged King Price Insurance to the High Court and is suing the company for N$500 000.

The Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) boast to be the third largest exchange on the African continent after the A2X market, reaching a market capitalisation of N$ 1,8 trillion in 2021.

Namibia is unlikely to default on its debt obligations despite the country being ranked highly by Bloomberg among states that may fail to service their debts this year, Economists have said.

The Bank of Namibia has revealed that it has adopted technology in some of its functions, including the deployment of virtual bots to improve its financial intelligence monitoring function.

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRAN) says about 1400 out of 1800 schools, translating to 78%, in the country are without Information and Communication Technology infrastructure.

Telecom Namibia, with an investment of over N$148 million in fiber deployment, hopes to accelerate the roll out of fiber to pass and connect thousands of homes, improving the coverage of their existing 10,676 km (65.2% of national coverage) national fiber backbone. 

Many South Africans are concerned about the ever-increasing inflation rate. Inflation is driving up the cost of food, fuel, and living expenses and eroding your buying power. Your salary is not stretching as far as it once did due to inflation.

The president of Dubai’s Emirates, which has clashed with London’s Heathrow over the introduction of a capacity cap, said on Monday a disrupted air travel industry would return to equilibrium in 2023 and must “tough it out” until then.

Namibia has removed of all Covid-19 restrictions imposed as part of national response measures to reduce the spread of the infectious disease, President Hage Geingob announced on Friday.

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