President Hage Geingob has postponed the 34th COVID-19 update on the country's national response measures which was due to be delivered on Monday.

Prime Minister, Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has demanded answers from Namibian Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) CEO, Nangula Uaandja amid allegations of unfair treatment of former Namibia Investment Centre (NIC) employees by the board.

The issue of vaccination among staff in the workplace has become a topical issue, with mandatory vaccinations, around the world gaining ground. Big companies such as Facebook, CNN, Netflix have even gone further to say “No jab, no job.”

NamPower has commenced with the construction of the 287 km long 400 kV Auas-Gerus transmission line at a cost of N$630 million.

The Namibian government is set raise between N$3 billion-N$3.5 billion from the listing of Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) on the Namibian Stock Exchange, giving the company an evaluation of over N$6 billion.

Prof Tulio de Oliveira, Director of the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (Krisp) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), has sounded the alarm on what’s being called C.1.2 which has been detected in SA and elsewhere.

Health Minister Dr. Kalumbi Shangula on Wednesday announced that COVID-19 patients admitted in hospitals will now be allowed visits by a family member.

Government paid consultants N$5 million to advise it on renegotiating favorable terms with Castlelake to terminate Air Namibia’s A330 lease agreements and settle the Government Guarantee, Public Enterprises minister Leon Jooste has revealed.

Wales has donated excess masks, gowns, and hand sanitizer worth N$143 million to Namibian.

A Nigerian tax tribunal ordered the local unit of South Africa’s pay-TV company Multichoice to pay 50% of a disputed 1.8 trillion naira ($4.38 billion) tax bill relating to previous years, the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) said on Wednesday.

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