
Agriculture (198)

Namibian beef producers have pooled resources and raised N$146 million towards the establishment of a new export beef processing facility in the country.

Meatco’s first consignment of Namibian beef from the Northern Communal Areas (NCA) has arrived at Tema port in Accra- Ghana.

Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) is scouting for new beef markets to address price disparity concerns raised by farmers from the Northern Communal Areas (NCA).

Cattle slaughtering increased marginally by 3.4% y/y in May 2022, while that of sheep dropped 12.0%, goats down 90.7% and pigs rose 12.8%. Live cattle exports increased by 35.9% y/y while sheep rose 47.5% y/y although goats dropped 9.8% y/y in May 2022.

The European Union (EU) has officially handed over Information Technology (IT) Equipment valued at N$4.5 million to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform.

The beef subsector marketed 72,968 cattle from January 2022 to  April 2022, a 19% increase from 61,433 marketed in the same period  last year.

Although the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) does not provide finance for direct agricultural investment as this is the mandate of Agribank, it can provide finance for agricultural enterprises. 

The rearing of poultry, whether it be chickens, quails, ducks, geese, and turkeys can be an exciting endeavor. However, due to diseases and other health-related risks that affect most poultry, it can turn out to be an endeavor riddled with many difficulties.

Livestock nutritional supplementation is a complex and an expensive exercise on the farm. Livestock such as cattle, sheep and goats have varying nutritional requirements which are also influenced by age, production stage and physical activities amongst others.

Cattle continue to be the mainstay of Namibia’s agricultural sector with two of the country’s financial institutions forecasting a 3.8 - 4% growth for the sector in 2022.

Bank of Namibia forecasts a 3.8% growth rate for the agricultural sector, with 4.5% growth forecasted for livestock farming, 3% for crop farming and 3.8% for fishing in 2022.

On the other hand, Agribank, whose mandate is to fund agricultural projects in the country, forecast a 4% growth in the agriculture sector for 2022.

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