
Trade (50)

Namibia recorded a trade deficit of N$1.4 billion for the month of July 2023, down from N$2.8 billion in June, official figures reveal. 

Trade between Russia and Namibia significantly declined by about 41% last year due to geopolitical tension, an official has revealed.

Trade between Namibia and Spain has grown significantly with exports value amounting to N$5 billion within the past year, official data shows.

The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member countries have entered into a mutual recognition agreement as part of the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme that is expected to optimise procedures for imports and exports within the region.

The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) and the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade hosted a trade and investment promotion event in Ghana, seeking to showcase Namibia's comparative advantages as a lucrative trading partner and investment destination.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) stands as historic agreement negotiated by African governments to create a single market for goods and services in Africa, promote intra-African trade, boost economic growth, and create job opportunities.

Namibia and Botswana are set to open the Trans-Kalahari/Mamuno border post as a 24-hour operator, in a move that is expected to boost economic development in the region.

The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) has revealed that a significant portion of goods imported by entrepreneurs, also known as ‘order with me’, are counterfeit.

Walvis Bay Corridor Group says the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia should fully utilise their dry ports in Namibia.

The Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT) is currently developing a trade policy to define how Namibia will conduct its trade with bilateral, regional, and multilateral trading partners.

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