Windhoek Cash and Carry August’s cheapest wholesaler

Among the three wholesalers for the month of August, Windhoek Cash and Carry provides a budget-friendly basket composition.

This is according to The Brief’s survey. The survey consists of a selection of eight essential items that are commonly purchased by consumers during a month's period. The primary objective of the survey is to furnish shoppers with valuable insights regarding which wholesaler offers a competitive priced basket of goods for that month. The Wholesalers chosen for the survey are: Wecke & Voigts (Northern Industry), Windhoek Cash and Carry (Northern Industry), and Metro (Northern Industry).

The method employed for assembling the composition of items was Simple Random Sampling. Meanwhile, in order to determine the wholesalers for the survey, Convenience Sampling was used.

The survey evaluates the overall monthly variations in the composition of the basket. These variations are then graphically presented on a chart. Wholesalers with higher-priced baskets for that month are positioned towards the upper end of the chart, whereas those providing a more affordable basket compositions are situated towards the lower end of the chart.

Basket composition 

  • 5-litre cooking oil
  • 10kg Top Score maize meal
  • 10kg Marathon sugar (white sugar)
  • 4kg chicken
  • 10kg Tastic Rice
  • 5kg Pasta Polana Macaroni
  • 10kg Baking flour
  • 1-liter  6’s nammilk full cream

After analysing our August data, Windhoek Cash ‘n Carry once again emerged as the leader in affordability for the third consecutive time, possessing the lowest basket cost at N$1,313.34. Notably, the basket cost exhibited a decline of -0.9% month-on-month.

Wecke & Voigts, which had previously featured a relatively expensive basket totaling N$1,406.1 in our July’s survey, demonstrated a significant reduction of -5.23% in its August basket composition, amounting to N$1,342.2. This reduction is noticeably attributed to the price of rice, declining from N$236.2 to N$181.90.

Conversely, Metro experienced an upward trend with a 3.80% increase in its basket composition. This upward shift is primarily attributed to price increases in specific items, such as Marathon Sugar (rising from N$168.99 to N$184.99.99) and 1-liter Fresh milk (increasing from N$124.99 to N$143.99) and its Real good chicken from N$172.99 to N$182.99. 

Both Metro and Wecke & Voigts maintained consistent pricing for their Top Score product, priced at N$116.99. These prices marked a decline from their previous prices in July of N$139.99 and N$129.99 for Metro and Wecke & Voigts, respectively.

Furthermore, Metro exhibited cost-effectiveness with its Bokomo flour priced at N$ 158.99. In comparison, Wecke & Voigts and Windhoek Cash 'n Carry offered the same product at higher prices of N$171.1 and N$169.5, respectively.

Our data collection is guided by the principle of maintaining brand consistency across our selected eight basket items. However, in instances where preferred brands are unavailable, suitable alternatives are chosen.

Over the period from June to August, Real Good Chicken from Wecke & Voigts has not been in the market, prompting the adoption of an alternative choice. Notably, the price of the (no-brand) chicken that remained constant throughout these three months cost N$212.9.

Similarly, the Real-good Chicken was unavailable at Windhoek Cash 'n Carry in August, leading to the selection of an alternative. While the price of Real Good Chicken was N$211.6 in July, the chosen alternative (No-brand) for August cost N$186.99. This specific substitution likely contributed to the overall reduction in the basket cost.

Note: We do not take specials or loyalty card discounts into consideration. When we do find certain goods on special, for example, “Get N$10.00 off when buying 18 (medium) eggs and pay N$55.00”, we will log the price as N$65.00 to exclude the special.






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Last modified on Sunday, 27 August 2023 21:04

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