Labour minister makes new Employment Equity Commission appointments

Labour minister, Utoni Nujoma has appointed 12 new members to serve on the seventh Employment Equity Commission for the period 01 July 2021 - 30 June 2024.

Appointed are Rauha Haufiku, Julia Hamhata, Deon Scot, Rosalia Gabriel, Kapuka Njembu, Nicolette Pieters, Sabrina Jacobs, Libonina Rosco Nawa, Paul Sisentu, Severin Tame, Wilhelmina Sheehama and Paulus Bernardt Wimmerth.

Otniel Podewiltz, who was appointed in April of 2019 on a 5-year contract, ending 30 June 2024, shall be the Chairperson.

 The Employment Equity Commission has an oversight function of the implementation of affirmative action in the work place in accordance with the Affirmative Action (Employment) Act, 29 of 1998.

The Act seeks to ensure that persons in designated groups, namely: the previously racially disadvantaged, women and person with disabilities are equitably represented at all levels of employment.

Overall, the purpose of the Act is to achieve equality of opportunity in employment and to eliminate employment barriers against persons in designated groups so that no person should be denied employment opportunity for reasons unrelated to ability to perform. Furthermore, the Act seeks to ensure progress towards, a more diverse and representative workforce that is reflective of the demographics of Namibia at all occupation levels.

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Last modified on Friday, 22 October 2021 18:03

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